Musketeer Story: Siegblut

Episode List

Episode 1 | Episode 2 | Episode 3 | Episode 4 | Episode 5 | Episode 6 | Episode 7 | Episode 8

Episode 1: Siegblut's School Life

One day at the military academy, (Player Name) greeted Siegblut as they happened to pass each other.

Siegblut: Ah...? Did you just talk to me?


• How’s life here?

• Are you getting used to the school?

Siegblut: Butt out. What are you, my guardian?

Herme: Sieg, why don’t you answer the question? Master is concerned about you, you know.

Siegblut: That’s why I told them to butt out. Do you gotta know everything about me to be satisfied?

Herme: Hahh... goodness, you really are a troublesome child. (Player Name), instead, I’ll tell you what I’ve heard from Professor Kyoudou.

Herme: His test grades are almost always perfect. Despite previous concerns, he hasn’t been involved in any fights or disturbances, his dorm room is guaranteed to be impeccably clean, and he’s rated highly by other instructors.


• Amazing...!

• What a model student.

Siegblut: ...hmph. ...what’s your point?

Herme: You’re perfectly capable if you try, Sieg. I’m quite pleased.

Siegblut: There’s no damn ‘if I try’; my results are always excellent. ...and cut it out with the gloating, it’s gross.

*Siegblut leaves*

Herme: Oh? That was my honest praise, though. After all, a lot happened while we were still in Germany.

Herme: Master, please continue to look after Sieg. Despite how he may seem, he’s surprisingly earnest at his core.

*scene changes to a classroom*

Siegblut: Don’t fuck with me! You...!

*Siegblut hits the student repeatedly*

Student 1: Ggh...!

Student 1: You’re finally showing your true nature...! A defective product, after all...!

Siegblut: You must really wanna die, you bastard...!


• What’s happening!?

• Fights aren’t allowed!

Siegblut: Tch...! This guy had the nerve to insult me. Saying shit about a defective rifle...!

Student 1: It’s the truth that usage was restricted in Germany...!

Siegblut: Shut up, you trash!!

Dreyse: What do you think you’re doing!?

Herme: Sieg, let him go.

Siegblut: Stay out of it! I won’t forgive this guy...!

Dreyse: Stop, now. Brawls are a violation of school rules.

Dreyse: I had heard that your conduct has been exemplary as of late, but no matter how much progress is made, you’re still yourself, in the end.

Dreyse: Even coming to this military academy won’t change that corrupted spirit of yours.

Siegblut: What’d you say...!?

Herme: Now, Sieg. If you lose your temper every time someone points out the truth, this will never end.

Siegblut: ...!

Senior Student: Hey, I heard a brawl had broken out over here! Anyone involved gets a hundred push-ups as punishment. Go cool your heads outside!

Student 1: I-I’m very sorry for the trouble...!

Student 2: Um, senpai... The others person involved in the fight was Siegblut-san...

Senior Student: Well, he’s a Musketeer, so... You, go call Professor Kyoudou. We’ll get his instructions—

Dreyse: No, that’s not necessary. I’ll give a verdict right here.

Dreyse: Siegblut. As one of the people involved in the brawl, you’ll receive the same punishment.

Siegblut: Hah...!?

Dreyse: That student should face judgment for insulting you. However, that aside, there are also consequences for violating proper social conduct.

Herme: A punishment like that is fine, isn’t it? Compared to the training in Germany, it’s nothing. Try to finish before the one who started sooner.

Siegblut: Shut up... How long are you gonna keep talking like my superior?

Siegblut: You two aren’t in charge of me! From now on, cut it out with the damn orders!!

*Siegblut leaves*

Herme: Ah... Sieg!!

*scene changes to the hallway*

Siegblut: ...I didn’t do anything wrong.

(FLASHBACK) Dreyse: Even coming to this military academy won’t change that corrupted spirit of yours.

Siegblut: I’m not going to fail...! I’ll take out anyone who tries to talk down at me!

Siegblut: None of them are satisfied unless I’m the bad guy...!

Siegblut: No one has any faith in me...! The only one who believes in my ability is me...!

Siegblut: I won’t lose to people like them...!!

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8: